Gelled lighting event details

Terry Hammond Photography Terry Hammond Photography View More Photos Skip to Main Content


I talk photography gear, techniques, photography experiences, and a tonne of random photography related stuff.

Create stunning gelled portrait workshop!
Create stunning gelled portrait workshop!

I've been asked quite often how I "do gels", and have been told by my local studio owner that he's had quite a few people asking him how to "do gels" also.  After a little debating, this led me to start my own workshop and fufil these requests all in one go!

The local studio is quite intimate, so I've capped capacity at 7; Myself, our model Miss Black Reign, and 5 attendees. The studio is a white 4m wide infinity cove too, so attendees will be able to see how I control light and the pit falls of being slack with light control and placement.

The gelled lighting event will run for 3 hours, with 3 different setups. I'll go through attaching gels, light placements, and setup all in real time, and we'll allow a short period of time at the end of each set up for attendees to shoot a few frames.

If this is something you'd be intrested in, check out this Eventbrite link for more deatils. Tickets to this gelled lighting workshop are super limited so jump right on it and I hope to see you there!


Gelled lighting workshop link -

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