Manual mode master. Learn manual mode photography online E-Book

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Manual mode master - Learn to use manual mode E-Book
Manual mode master - Learn to use manual mode E-Book

I've been quite busy over the past few months, but somehow I've managed to find time to write a little E-book/online course type of thing.

I wanted to create a guide on how to help teach people Manual mode, with each section being quite thorough, but also pretty quick to read through.

I also wanted something to hold the readers accountable and actually practice the knowledge they/you have just read. So, at the end of each section I've added in 3 assisgnments that should be followed through with to help solidify the knowledge that's just been learned.

I've hopefully made the guide, book, course pretty easy to grasp and follow through, and I've added in a tonne of my own shots to illustrate all the points I make. The goal is for you to be able to drop in, read a section, or skip sections and learn how to shoot in manual mode super quickly.

I'll throw it in the online store this week.

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