These past few months have been insanely busy! I've been shooting so much in between work, and alot of them have required 8 or 9 hour round trips! The joys of being a distance from the people I want to work with!
Usually, I'm not the type to jump on gear hype and get the latest and greatest. Up until a few years ago, I was still shooting with a Nikon D700! (I loved that camera and wish I had never sold it!!) At the moment I'm shooting with a Fuji XH1, which I absolutely love, but a few little things annoy me about it.
They're not massive issues, but they're definitely things that have made me look into a new camera. Those mainly are the focusing. To say it's bad is an understatement, but it's not the greatest.
Firstly, the speed. It could be snappier. My XT2 focuses faster and in lower light conditions. Not just a little either. It's pretty noticeable! Do I need lightning fast focus? For the most part not really. I shoot alot of studio work or portraits so it's not essential, but For shutter drag stuff it'd make my life alot easier to focus in the dark than having to illuminate a subject, have them keep their position then shoot. Again, it's not the worst thing in the world, but it'd make my life easier.
Secondly, sticky eye detection would be incredible! I don't bother using it on either the XT2 or XH1 as I don't really trust it, and nor is it essential, but it's definitely something I want.
There are a few other little things that go with it but who even cares? My point is that I was looking at maybe getting an XT3 as a slight upgrade, but going up just on generation isn't usually a big jump. So, I started looking at the XT4. The price is close to a brand new XH2 which is soon to be released. I had a quick eyeball at Nikon z6ii or maybe a Sony, but I do love my XH1 and didn't wana start another new system again.
The XH2s has been out for a little while with some mixed reviews and the focus system really appealed to me, £2500 body only is steep! The XH2 price has just been announced for around a week and £1900 body only! That's £500 less than the XH2s and £400 more than an XT4! After seeing the stats too, (I'm not really a stats person but 4 and a half years newer technology is going to be a massive jump for me), my mind was made up. I was going to wait until people had tested them and given a review before I ordered.
Except that didn't happen. I spent 2 days questioning everything and justifying to myself that it'd be a good purchase, that I'd have to do a couple of weddings to pay for it (I HATE weddings), so it was fully justifiable. Then the email came through which confirmed my XH2 preorder..
That dreaded "due to unexpected preorder volume, there maybe a backlog on Fuji XH2 orders being fulfilled". First come first served. The scarcity made me jump straight online and preorder it! It was almost like I read that email and decided it was a challenge!
As I said above though, I'm not usually a new tech person! For the most part, a few new lenses and trips would be a better purchase than the Fuji XH2, but apparently I wanted to be a guinea pig with it. So expect plenty of Fuji XH1 vs XH2 images comparisons, downloadable files and impressions as the weeks go on.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't super excited to get it though! I'm feeling like a child waiting for Christmas!!